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Make A Commitment

Pray to receive Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord. You can pray a prayer of your own or you can use this one:

Father in heaven, I recognize that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I turn from my sin and everything I know is wrong in my life. Please forgive me for all my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he died for my sins. Thank you. I now receive Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord. I ask you to come into my heart by your Holy Spirit and give me eternal life. I commit my life fully to you. I want to live for you the rest of my life. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

There is nothing magic in the words of the prayer. They simply reflect the attitude of your heart and express your deliberate decision to receive Christ as your Saviour and Lord. The important thing is your deliberate decision.